
Usim International Week "HEART BEAT AS ONE"

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia turns an ocean of people as the International Students Society of the University celebrates her 3rd year International week. Indeed, 19th and 20th of May 2014 would surely remain evergreen in the memories of both the staffs and  students. The tagline of this annual celebration "Heart Beat as One", which implies regardless of culture, nation, skin, or race, we are all one! This simply shows the rationale for this celebration. Also its a way to exhibit and promote cultural value of each country involved.

 According to the President of the Society( Nader Yahya Alkeinay) in a speech he delivered remarking the celebration ,expressed his sincere gratitude to Almighty Allah, the alpha and the omega, the VC, (Professor Dato'Dr Asma Ismail) the management and the students in general. He also chewed over the needs for "unity" as it's the only thing promoting peace within the university being a melting pot, he also used the opportunity to admonished the students to see themselves as one regardless of their race. Continue after the cut.......

There were multitudinous activities such as Futsal (street football) Table Tennis, Volleyball , 400 Meters Race and Chess. Also there were booths decorated with different set of costumes where each country exhibited their cultural background such as Food, Attire, Artwork and so on.

Usim International Week "HEART BEAT AS ONE" Usim International Week "HEART BEAT AS ONE" Reviewed by Beejay on 07:24 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Correction: hearts beat as one.
Heart with an 's' behind.
Just saying :)

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