
Dear Addiction

I'm writing this to you 
Telling you we're through
I can;t take you any more
         Don't know what I liked you for 
All you did was wear me out
Now I know what you're all about

you come to me with promise and joy
Now look at all things you destroy 
Families,lives,bank account you see
You ruined it all with one little tease
Look at the way you make me feel
Then you take it all and want me to steal

Why can't you just go and hide 
Somewhere far away where I'll never find
Everyone at home doesn't understand 
How you rip me apart,then lend me a hand
I keep coming back thinking inside
Maybe this time I'll make you my bride

Then I sit and wonder why
Why do you really want me to die
Thousand and thousand come to you 
Hoping and praying you'll help them through 
Then they fall for lending hand
Only to realize you're nothing but a scam

You promised me to heaven and sent me to hell
You ruined my life and then wished me well
Watch me now as I go on my way 
I'm washing myself of all of your pain
So you and your power can just leave me be
I'm taking my life and setting it free

Dear Addiction                                                                                      Dear Addiction Reviewed by Beejay on 00:10 Rating: 5

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