
Good News: Unilorin Starts The Distribution Of Tablet PCs To Freshers

After much waiting and lots of rumours about the proposed Ipad initiative, University of ilorin finally delivers.
 Its no more rumours now because the distribution has started on 15th of May 2014.

Some of the Students in the faculty of Arts and Agric have been given as at the time of this post. Though the gadgets were not distributed to students who fail to pay the Extra charges of 1100 for service packs.

Though students have been complaining about the late arrival of the ipad, but its still a laudable idea.
Good News: Unilorin Starts The Distribution Of Tablet PCs To Freshers Good News: Unilorin Starts The Distribution Of Tablet PCs To Freshers Reviewed by Beejay on 02:18 Rating: 5

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